Palmerston Indoor Bowls News

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Palm Reader

The latest December 2024 edition of the Palm Reader produced by John Bailey is now available.

Read the latest issue.

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Palmerston Social Membership

There are currently a few social membership places available. Please use the form and information here.

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Saturday afternoon Mixed Drive

The new Saturday afternoon Mixed Drive has already proved popular.

As a reminder, you team up with others picked out of the bag, so you get pot luck who you play with. If you are a more experienced player, please encourage the newbies because don't forget you were one a while ago. If you are a newbie, just enjoy it and don't worry about "performing", no-one expects you to bowl like a champion, every week you will improve.

Make sure you get there at the latest 10 minutes beforehand.

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Stay in touch with the latest information by receiving emails from the club. We don't do marketing so rest assured this is only used when we have something useful to communicate.

We will need your email address which we can pick up if you just send us a general enquiry using the contact page.